Thursday, January 14, 2016

Every year it seems the Scholastic Art Awards creates great enthusiasm in the art room. The students worked really hard to submit their work, and though we didn't have a lot of time there were some excellent projects entered. Usually it is just 8th graders who enter work, but this year we had many 7th graders who caught the SAA bug and entered their own creative efforts.

Judging Criteria

Originality – Work that breaks from convention, blurs the boundaries between genres, and challenges notions of how a particular concept or emotion can be expressed.
Technical Skill – Work that uses technique to advance an original perspective or a personal vision or voice, and show skills being utilized to create something unique, powerful, and innovative.
Emergence of a Personal Vision or Voice – Work with an authentic and unique point of view and style.

We had three winners;

Genevieve Beatty for two drawings;

Mind Works, (Honorable Mention)

Secrets of the deep (Honorable Mention)

and Henry Broshar for this photograph; Looking Through You (Silver Key)

Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who worked hard to submit some art work!