New batik paintings and keeping a balance in life
Teaching, family, friends, community, and creating my own art is a balance that is never ending. The scales are tipped in any one direction and not always the direction you might want at that particular time. How do we balance our lives? How do we find time for ourselves and creating our own art? I don't know except that if you want to be happy you better pay attention to them all! In the last 15 or so years I have put my art life on hold to be present with my kids and family. I've focused on my teaching career and my summers at Camp. I spend my summers in Maine so my son can have the same awesome experience I had at Camp Timanous and my daughter at Camp Wohelo. Though Camp is really fun for me and some of my best friends on this earth are part of the Timanous community. It takes away the time I would have to create art. Spending time with friends is a crucial part of being part of a community too. But when the creative bug hits there is no flu shot that can cure it except time in the studio. As my children grow older and demand less of my attention I'm finding myself in my studio painting again.
In the last few months I've managed to do that and I have some new Batiks.
Timanous Chapel |
Evan's Chapel |
Loons |
Evening Loons |
Main Dock |
Brook's Main Dock |